Death to the Daleks @ The TARDIS Library (Doctor Who books, DVDs, videos & audios)

Death to the Daleks

No. 10 of 135 in the BBC classic series videos series
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Starring: Jon Pertwee & Elisabeth Sladen
By:Terry Nation
Rating:   6.8  (56 votes)  Vote here
Review:  great  Read more (2 in total)
Editions:  UK UK (edited VHS) | Australia Australia (1st VHS) | US US (VHS) | UK UK (unedited VHS) | Australia Australia (2nd VHS)

Cover image for Death to the Daleks
Edition: UK UK (edited VHS)
Released:  July 1987
Publisher:  BBC Video
Format: 1 x VHS PAL

Note:  Movie format. Two cover variants exist for this release — differing only in the font used for the title and “Starring Jon Pertwee” text on on the front cover. The original cover is as shown, which uses the same “rounded” font used for other Doctor Who VHS releases of the time. At some stage subsequently, this was changed to a more angular font, as also used on the 1995 unedited release below.

Cover blurb:
In this exciting space adventure the Doctor (Jon Pertwee) is forced into a desperate race against time...
An inexplicable power-loss strands the Tardis on the sinister planet Exxilon where the Doctor meets an expedition from Earth seeking a rare mineral that can cure the virulent space plague that threatens all human life throughout the galaxy. Nearby Sarah discovers a mysterious Citadel but is captured by the savage Exxilons who prepare her for sacrifice...
The Doctor must uncover the secrets of the ancient Exxilon City, locate the source of the power-drain, save Sarah and help the Earth expedition. But his plans are threatened by new arrivals on the planet — the Doctor’s oldest and deadliest enemies — the Daleks!

Cover image for Death to the Daleks
Edition: Australia Australia (1st VHS)
Released:  December 1987
Publisher:  BBC Video
Format: 1 x VHS PAL

Note:  Movie format.

Cover blurb:
Same blurb as UK edition.

Cover image for Death to the Daleks
Edition: US US (VHS)
Released:  March 1990
Publisher:  BBC Video
Format: 1 x VHS NTSC
Order from
New: $25.98
Used:  $24.99
Prices as of 24 Mar 12:29 GMT   More info
Order from currently available)

Note:  Movie format.

Cover blurb:
Doctor Who vs. his oldest and deadliest enemy.

Doctor Who (Jon Pertwee) is forced into not one but three desperate races against time. One, an unexplained power loss has stranded the TARDIS on a sinister planet called Exxilon. Two, he must help an expedition from Earth find a rare mineral that can cure a space plague that threatens all human life in the galaxy. Three, he must save his colleague Sarah, who has been captured by the savage Exxilons, from becoming a human sacrifice. To locate the source of the power drain, help the Earth expedition and save Sarah, the Doctor plots to uncover the secrets of the ancient Exxilon city. But his plans are threatened by new arrivals on the planet — The Doctor’s oldest and deadliest enemies — the Daleks!

Cover image for Death to the Daleks
Edition: UK UK (unedited VHS)
Released:  February 1995
Publisher:  BBC Video
Format: 1 x VHS PAL
Order from
Used:  £6.00
Prices as of 24 Mar 12:29 GMT   More info

Note:  Unedited episodic format.

Cover blurb:
Same as edited UK edition.

Cover image for Death to the Daleks
Edition: Australia Australia (2nd VHS)
Released:  June 1996
Publisher:  ABC Video
Format: 1 x VHS PAL

Note:  Movie format.

Cover blurb:
Same as edited UK edition.

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