A list of relevant & useful sites from the World Wide Web related to Doctor Who books, videos or audios. If you have suggestions for sites to add, or need to report any broken links, please let me know at: 
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- Doctor Who News Page
The best and most regularly-updated source of Doctor Who news on the net.
- On Target
Fantastic site with plenty of in-depth information on the Target novelisations.
- Doctor Who Reference Guide
Impressively comprehensive site including a detailed plot synopsis of every single TV episode, novel, short story & audio story for each Doctor.
- The Doctor Who Restoration Team
Excellent technical site run by the BBC staff responsible for the recent video, DVD and audio releases.
- The Doctor Who Reprint Society
A group of fans banding together to campaign for the BBC to reprint old or hard-to-find Doctor Who novels.
- Howe's Transcendental Toybox
An online extension of the popular book, containing a database of all Doctor Who merchandise and collectibles ever released.
- Oz Music Books
An online bookstore based in Australia, which also contains the "Reference Library", which (much like this site) aims to catalogue all books, video and audios relating to Doctor Who (plus magazines with a Who connection).
- Doctor Who Online
Eclectic site containing a range of info such as episode guides, news, reviews and more.
- Amazon.co.uk and Amazon.com
The largest selection of Who books, CDs and DVDs available anywhere online.
- eBay.co.uk and eBay.com
Probably the best place to find rare Who books, videos and other merchandise, or sell your unwanted items.
- Big Finish
Order the audio dramas straight from the people who make 'em!
- Advanced Book Exchange
Huge selection of out-of-print books – a good way to fill the gaps in your collection if Amazon or eBay don't turn up anything.
- Galaxy 4
UK-based specialist retailer – good place to pick up those hard-to-find merchandise that aren't stocked in Amazon or regular bookshops/toyshops.
- Who North America
Ditto, but for the US.
- Rare Doctor Who
New UK site offering a small but expanding selection of hard-to-find Doctor Who books, magazines and other collector's items.
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