Spearhead from Space @ The TARDIS Library (Doctor Who books, DVDs, videos & audios)

Spearhead from Space

No. 11 of 135 in the BBC classic series videos series
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Starring: Jon Pertwee, Caroline John & Nicholas Courtney
By:Robert Holmes
Rating:   8.3  (51 votes)  Vote here
Review:  okay but boring  Read more (2 in total)
Editions:  UK UK (edited VHS) | Australia Australia (VHS) | US US (VHS) | UK UK (unedited VHS)

Cover image for Spearhead from Space
Edition: UK UK (edited VHS)
Released:  February 1988
Publisher:  BBC Video
Format: 1 x VHS PAL

Note:  Movie format.

Cover blurb:
Forbidden to continue his travels through time and space by his fellow Time Lords, the newly regenerated Doctor begins his exile on Earth and finds himself hurled into one of his most exciting and terrifying adventures...
But the Doctor is not the only alien intelligence arriving on the planet. A shower of mysterious meteorites signals the coming of the Nestene Consciousness — an evil, cosmic, collective being with just one goal — total conquest of Earth. The Nestenes possess a special ability to control plastic and are making hoards [sic] of Autons — indestructible, armed, plastic mannikins, only awaiting the Nestene command to start their killer rampage.
Brigadier Lethbridge-Stewart, scientist Liz Shaw and U.N.I.T. enlist the Doctor’s help to defeat the relentless Auton invasion, but the Doctor has problems of his own...

Cover image for Spearhead from Space
Edition: Australia Australia (VHS)
Released:  April 1990
Publisher:  BBC Video
Format: 1 x VHS PAL

Note:  Movie format.

Cover blurb:
Same as original UK edition.

Cover image for Spearhead from Space
Edition: US US (VHS)
Released:  April 1991
Publisher:  BBC Video
Format: 1 x VHS NTSC
Order from Amazon.com(Not currently available)
Order from Amazon.ca(Not currently available)

Note:  Movie format.

Cover blurb:
The Future of Mankind Lies in the Hands of Doctor Who

Doctor Who is hurled into one of his most exciting and terrifying adventures when he battles an evil alien who’s trying to take over planet Earth!

After the Time Lords order Doctor Who to stop travelling through time and space, he decided to spend his exile on earth. But the Doctor soon discovers he isn’t the only alien intelligence headed for the planet.

A mysterious meteorite marks the arrival of Nestene Consciousness — an evil, cosmic, collective being with just one goal — total conquest of Earth. The Nestenes are creating an army of indestructible killer mannequins called Autons. It’s only a matter of time before they order the Autons on a killer rampage!

Brigadier Lethbridge-Stewart, scientist Liz Shaw and U.N.I.T. need the Doctor to stop the relentless Auton invasion, but the Doctor has problems of his own...

Cover image for Spearhead from Space
Edition: UK UK (unedited VHS)
Released:  February 1995
Publisher:  BBC Video
Format: 1 x VHS PAL
Order from Amazon.co.uk
New: £7.95
Used:  £6.00
Prices as of 29 Mar 02:16 GMT   More info

Note:  Unedited episodic format. This is the only video edition of Spearhead from Space which exactly matches the original broadcast version — the previous video releases (and the 2001 DVD) remove a piece of music by Fleetwood Mac which is playing in the background of one scene in episode 2 — the removal being due to the excessive cost of obtaining clearance rights for the music. It’s believed the inclusion of the music on this particular video edition was an oversight on the BBC’s part. (The copyright situation was finally resolved in time for the 2011 DVD re-release in the Mannequin Mania box set.)

Cover blurb:
Same as edited UK edition.

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