The Black Archive #16: Carnival of Monsters @ The TARDIS Library (Doctor Who books, DVDs, videos & audios)

The Black Archive #16: Carnival of Monsters

No. 16 of 88 in the The Black Archive books series
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Cover image for The Black Archive #16: Carnival of Monsters
By:Ian Potter
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Released:  February 2018 (original release)
May 2018 (print-on-demand release)
Publisher:  Obverse Books
Format: paperback
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Cover blurb:
‘Nothing serious, nothing political...’

Combining apparently unlinked plots into a single satirical adventure story, and uniting a producer-director keen to push the boundaries of the electronic studio with a writer who delights in conjuring worlds from tiny details, Carnival of Monsters (1973) works on various levels for its different audiences. This Black Archive draws on surviving scripts, storylines and production files to explore its roots as a story, its thematic resonances and linguistic quirks.

Ian Potter is a TV historian and a prolific author of fiction and drama.

Book-length looks at single Doctor Who stories from 1963 to the present day

“A grandly ambitious thing to attempt with something as exhaustively detailed as (Who). But they actually manage it. Treat your bookshelf."
—Doctor Who Magazine

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