Hornets' Nest: The Dead Shoes @ The TARDIS Library (Doctor Who books, DVDs, videos & audios)

Hornets‘ Nest: The Dead Shoes

No. 2 of 19 in the Nest Cottage audio dramas series
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Cover image for Hornets' Nest: The Dead Shoes
Starring: Tom Baker, Richard Franklin & Susan Jameson
By:Paul Magrs
Rating:   7.1  (7 votes)  Vote here
Review:  Super Scarf  Read more (1 in total)
Released:  October 2009
Publisher:  BBC Audio
Format: 1 x CD
Order from Amazon.co.uk
New:  £27.12
Used:  £2.73
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New: $8.94
Used:  $7.90
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New:  $61.01
Used:  $31.30
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Note:  Second of a series of 5 audio dramas starring Tom Baker reprising the role of the Fourth Doctor for the first time in nearly 30 years — and also starring Richard Franklin, returning as Captain Mike Yates.

Cover blurb:
Tom Baker reprises the role of the 4th Doctor in the second of five thrilling brand new adventures, with Richard Franklin as Mike Yates

Visiting the English seaside town of Cromer in the summer of 1932, the Doctor happens upon the strange world of the Cromer Palace of Curios. The young Ernestina Stott is unusually beguiled by one of the museum’s exhibits, and when the Doctor befriends her, they unwittingly embark upon a terrifying escapade.

Chased by animated dolls through a nightmarish model house, the Doctor realises he is being hunted by a familiar enemy. The unmistakable sound of hornets is in the air, and they are keen to speak to him.

Overseeing this game of cat and mouse is the Palace of Curios’ curator — a certain Mrs Wibbsey...

With Tom Baker as the Doctor, Richard Franklin as Mike Yates, Susan Jameson as Mrs Wibbsey, Clare Corbett as Ernestina, and Christian Rodska as the Reverend Small, The Dead Shoes is the second of five linked stories written by the acclaimed Paul Magrs.

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