Lethbridge-Stewart: The Laughing Gnome - Scary Monsters @ The TARDIS Library (Doctor Who books, DVDs, videos & audios)

Lethbridge-Stewart: The Laughing Gnome - Scary Monsters

No. 20 of 48 in the Lethbridge-Stewart novels series
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Cover image for Lethbridge-Stewart: The Laughing Gnome - Scary Monsters
By:Simon A. Forward
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Released:  August 2018
Publisher:  Candy Jar Books
Format: paperback
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Candy Jar Books

Note:  Book 1 in The Laughing Gnome novel series.

Cover blurb:
Some mysterious force has pulled the Brigadier backwards in time, into his own past, to an adventure he has only vague memories of...

1981: London, a bomb detonates in a London pub and Brigadier Alistair Lethbridge-Stewart is among the injured. Moscow, a hijacked plane sits on the airport runway and Major Grigoriy Bugayev leads the assault against the six gunmen holding the passengers hostage.

These are the triggers that set the two military men on an international manhunt. Their investigations converge and uncover a group of terrorists whose roots reach back to sinister Cold War experiments, and something that was unearthed in ancient ruins in the New Mexico desert by one Sophia Montilla... and Anne Travers.

Terror is a contagion. It means to spread. And humanity is set on doing everything in its power to help it...

A brand new adventure featuring Brigadier Lethbridge-Stewart, as played by Nicholas Courtney in the classic era of Doctor Who. Based on concepts created by Mervyn Haisman and Henry Lincoln.

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