Downtime: The Lost Years of Doctor Who @ The TARDIS Library (Doctor Who books, DVDs, videos & audios)

Downtime: The Lost Years of Doctor Who

No. 250 of 345 in the Miscellaneous factual books series
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Cover image for Downtime: The Lost Years of Doctor Who
By:Dylan Rees
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Released:  February 2017
Publisher:  Obverse Books
Format: paperback
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Obverse Books

Cover blurb:
During the interregnum between the Seventh Doctor’s final adventures in 1989 and the relaunch of the series in 2005, BBC One broadcast only three new Doctor Who stories — a TV movie and two comic versions raising money for charity. Elsewhere, books and comic strips (and eventually licensed audios) kept the flame alive, but it seemed the BBC had little interest in reinvigorating the franchise on television.

Meanwhile, seemingly almost forgotten, some of the Doctor’s friends, enemies and legally dubious clones continued their adventures in the direct to video market and their own spin off audio adventures, written by and starring many of the cast crew who had worked on the original series, and several who would work on the relaunched version.

Downtime combines archive interviews and articles along with over forty new interviews conducted by the author in order to tell the story of these dramas and their impact and influence, and to celebrate the dedication and ingenuity of fandom.

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