Dalek Empire 3: Death to the Daleks! @ The TARDIS Library (Doctor Who books, DVDs, videos & audios)

Dalek Empire 3: Death to the Daleks!

No. 3 of 18 in the Dalek Empire audio dramas series
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Cover image for Dalek Empire 3: Death to the Daleks!
Starring: Gareth Thomas
By:Nicholas Briggs
Rating:   7.2  (23 votes)  Vote here
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Released:  November 2001
Publisher:  Big Finish
Format: 1 x CD
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Used:  $37.85
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Cover blurb:
Astounding stories of the outer-space robot people created by Terry Nation

“Exterminate! Exterminate!” Doctor Who’s deadliest foes, the dreaded Daleks, continue the conquest of our galaxy in their own thrilling series of audio adventures!

Years have passed. The war goes on.

For every Dalek defeat, the Earth Alliance has suffered ten. Could it be that the Daleks are finally on the brink of victory?

Suz and Kalendorf have devised a secret plan to defeat the Daleks. But is it too late?

The Dalek Emperor seems to have its own hidden agenda...

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