Temporal Logbook III: Changed Lives @ The TARDIS Library (Doctor Who books, DVDs, videos & audios)

Temporal Logbook III: Changed Lives

No. 3 of 3 in the Temporal Logbook short story collections series
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Cover image for Temporal Logbook III: Changed Lives
By:James Silvester (ed.)
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Released:  October 2022
Publisher:  Pencil Tip Publishing
Format: paperback
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Pencil Tip Publishing

Cover blurb:
“Encountering the Doctor will change your life, and not always for the better..."

A traveller in eternity, the Doctor has touched countless lives, bringing salvation to some and agony to others, but always making a difference. In these pages, a selection of Doctor Who fandom’s greatest writers, reveal the joys and pains a meeting with the Doctor, can bring.

Through galactic battles to sixties London, Temporal Logbook III: Changed Lives brings stories from Kevin Mason, R Morgan Crihfield, Matthew Kresal, Russell McGee, Luke Dyer, Greg Maughan, James Silvester, Hamish Crawford, Shaun Collins, Richard Peevers, James Hornby, Alison Winter, Paul Burns and Rob Nisbet.

All proceeds from the publication are being donated to SETTLED. SETTLED is an independent charity providing free and trustworthy information, advice and support in different languages to EU citizens in the UK. As the UK leaves the European Union, EU citizens must make an application to stay in the UK. SETTLED helps to ensure that EU citizens gain Settled Status and to respond to the difficulties that they face — now and in the future.

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