About Time 5: 1980-1984 @ The TARDIS Library (Doctor Who books, DVDs, videos & audios)

About Time 5: 1980-1984

No. 5 of 9 in the About Time series
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Cover image for About Time 5: 1980-1984
By:Lawrence Miles & Tat Wood
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Released:  June 2005
Publisher:  Mad Norwegian Press
Format: paperback
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Cover blurb:
...the unauthorized & ambitiously definitive guide to Who...

The gateway in the middle of nowhere, where lion-faced aristocrats are harassed by robot suits of armour. The Man Who Was the Doctor, falling to his death as his future catches up to him. The snake tattoo that crawls off your skin and grows into something big, pink and startling before your very eyes.

These aren’t just the greatest, strangest or most Doctor-Who-like moments in Doctor Who. These are the moments that make up an era, part of a universe of things we’d never seen before and never expected. And this is the all-purpose handbook to that universe, both on- and off-screen. Contained within these volumes is everything you could reasonably want to know about the original series of Doctor Who, from the nuances of Cyberman culture to the science of the Eye of Harmony, from the programme’s most triumphant successes to its most bizarre logical flaws, from its roots in the BBC of the 1960s to its legacy in the here and now.

But above all else, this is a history. A history of the Doctor Who continuum; a history of the way the series changed across the span of a generation; and a history of those who grew up with it, of what it meant to the children of the ‘60s, ‘70s and ‘80s.

This is, in a very real sense, About Time.

Written by Lawrence Miles (Faction Paradox) and Tat Wood (Dreamwatch, SFX), About Time Volume V dissects Doctor Who Seasons 18 to 21 — the end of Tom Baker’s run on the show, the whole of the Peter Davison era and the introduction of Colin Baker as the Doctor. Among other things, this book strives to answer such vitally important questions as “Why Are There So Many Doubles in the Universe?", “Which Stories Have the Best Body Counts?", and “Did Kate Bush Really Write This?".

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