An Adventure in Space and Time @ The TARDIS Library (Doctor Who books, DVDs, videos & audios)

An Adventure in Space and Time

No. 55 of 66 in the Miscellaneous music & sound effects series
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Cover image for An Adventure in Space and Time
Starring: The Chamber Orchestra of London
By:Edmund Butt
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Released:  March 2014
Publisher:  Silva Screen
Format: 1 x CD
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New:  £8.74
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Note:  Music soundtrack to the 2013 docudrama.

Cover blurb:
Music composed by Edmund Butt
Performed by The Chamber Orchestra of London

Track listing:

  1. Main Title - An Adventure in Space and Time (0:38)
  2. The Right Man (1:17)
  3. The First Woman Producer (1:21)
  4. I’ve Got an Idea... (1:34)
  5. The Daleks (2:52)
  6. Kill Dr. Who (1:48)
  7. What Dimension? (1:24)
  8. This Is My Show (1:50)
  9. Autograph Hunting (2:31)
  10. Sydney Newman (1:00)
  11. Scarlett O’Hara (1:03)
  12. Piss & Vinegar (1:24)
  13. Dressing Room (1:18)
  14. JFK Assassinated (1:48)
  15. The Tardis (0:57)
  16. Goodbye Susan (2:37)
  17. 10 Million Viewers (0:57)
  18. The Fans (0:41)
  19. I’m so Sorry, Bill (2:45)
  20. Kiss Goodbye (1:05)
  21. My Successor (1:06)
  22. Isop Galaxy (0:50)
  23. Irreplaceable (1:19)
  24. The New Doctor (3:55)
  25. Time’s Up... (1:15)

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