The Toy @ The TARDIS Library (Doctor Who books, DVDs, videos & audios)

The Toy

No. 7 of 7 in the Short Trips audio readings series
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Cover image for The Toy
Starring: Sarah Sutton
By:Nigel Fairs
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Released:  September 2015
Publisher:  Big Finish
Format: 1 x CD
Hachette Partworks

Note:  Short story audio reading, originally given away free as a subscriber exclusive for Hachette’s Doctor Who: The Complete History partwork, but subsequently offered for sale separately to the general public via the Hachette website (hence its qualifying for inclusion on this site). Nevertheless, the back cover states “NOT TO BE SOLD SEPARATELY” (!)

This story is also available to download from Big Finish as part of their Short Trips monthly series of downloadable short story readings.

Cover blurb:
In her bedroom on board the TARDIS, Nyssa dreams of her long lost home, and a Forbidden Archway that never really existed — or did it?

In the TARDIS corridors she finds a flight of steps, a door marked ‘Keep Out’, and beyond a locked room full of secrets. In particular, a casket containing a jewel seems to call to her. “Nyssa of Traken, do you want to be my friend?"

So begins a journey that takes Nyssa from snow capped mountains to vast cities, and introduces her to people she seems to know so well. What dangerous landscape has she wandered into — and can she ever escape to safety, and the comfort of her travelling companions?

Nigel Fairs’s story is read by Sarah Sutton, who played Nyssa in the BBC TV series.

The stars and producers of the many Big Finish Doctor Who ranges take us behind-the-scenes of the fantastic audios. Hear from Doctors, companions and new recruits Kate Stewart and Osgood!

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