Where Angels Fear @ The TARDIS Library (Doctor Who books, DVDs, videos & audios)

Where Angels Fear

No. 78 of 84 in the New Adventures novels series
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Cover image for Where Angels Fear
By:Rebecca Levene & Simon Winstone
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Released:  December 1998
Publisher:  Virgin
Format: paperback
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Cover blurb:
‘Do You Believe?’

Something very odd is happening on the cosmopolitan planet of Dellah, home to Bernice Summerfield, famed archaeologist, adventurer, raconteur and barfly. A long-ignored religion is rapidly gaining recruits. The faithful rejoice and talk of their God walking the land once more. And in secret rooms on campus, arcane arts are practised with dangerously successful results.

Behind these seeming absurdities, something far darker is going on, something that has consequences for everyone. The most powerful races of the universe are running scared, withdrawing to their own strongholds, and leaving the lesser races to their fate.

But what can have warped reality in this way? And why? Or has the time of the gods finally come? As Bernice and her friends begin to investigate, they soon realise that in the terrible conflict to come each of them will have to choose sides.

Rebecca Levene edited science fiction at Virgin for over five years. More recently she has been a freelance journalist and storyliner for Emmerdale. Simon Winstone is the editor of the New Adventures. When he is not writing he leads an exotic lifestyle well beyond his means. This is their first novel.

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