The Mistress: The Choice @ The TARDIS Library (Doctor Who books, DVDs, videos & audios)

The Mistress: The Choice

No. 9 of 9 in the BBV audio novelisations series
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Cover image for The Mistress: The Choice
By:James Mulholland
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Released:  March 2022 (Exact date unconfirmed)
Publisher:  BBV
Format: paperback

Description:  Novelisation of the independently-produced 1999 spin-off audio drama. However, while the original audio featured K9, for copyright reasons he has been replaced in this novelisation by a robotic ferret (!) named B.E.S.

Cover blurb:
Throughout all of known Ecto-Space, tyranny in all its forms has been opposed by a small, bionic ferret named B.E.S. and her mysterious Mistress. However, when travelling in space & time you tend to make a few powerful enemies along the way, and from time to time, you need to lay low.

Having recently defeated the despot known as Kebek, B.E.S. and her Mistress have been hiding out on the planet Jokastarna, enjoying a life of luxury at Emperor Lukor’s palace. Yet the Mistress longs to return to a life of adventure. But when she tests out her unstable time machine, the duo are plunged into an underworld populted by superstitious, diseas ridden beings who worship unseen masters...

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