Audio dramas

This category contains Doctor Who audio dramas, most of which feature performances by multiple cast members and are usually written specially for the audio medium. (As distinct from audio readings, which mostly involve narration by a single performer and are usually readings of previously-published books.)

The very first Doctor Who audio drama was The Pescatons, released on LP and cassette in 1976. This remained a one-off for nearly a decade, until the BBC radio dramas Slipback in 1985 and The Paradise of Death and The Ghosts of N-Space in the early 1990s. From that point onwards, audio dramas started becoming more common (no doubt greatly driven by the lack of new Who on television in the 90s). The awarding of a Doctor Who audio licence to British company Big Finish in 1999 was a turning point — their prolific output includes literally hundreds of dramas and has continued for over three decades to the present day.


Books listed by category:

Activity books
Colouring books, diaries, sticker books, cookbooks, role-playing games, and any other type of book designed for an activity other than reading.

These slim hardback books containing a mixture of fact and fiction have been a staple of British childrens’ Christmas stockings for decades.

Art books
Books containing a selection of Doctor Who inspired artwork.

Biographies, autobiographies and memoirs of well-known Doctor Who cast and crew.

Factual books
Non-fiction books about Doctor Who, ranging from behind-the-scenes production information, histories of the programme, media studies books, etc. etc.

Graphic novels
A selection of original graphic novels and collections of Doctor Who Magazine comic strips republished in book form.

A wide selection of books giving a humorous slant on Doctor Who, and also a selection of unofficial comedic parodies.

Original novels
Original Doctor Who fiction novels and novellas, i.e. not based on TV episodes.

TV novelisations
Adaptations of Doctor Who TV episodes in book form.

Script books
A selection of books containing the original scripts from Doctor Who TV stories and audio dramas.

Short stories
Anthologies of short stories and short fiction related (directly or indirectly) to Doctor Who.

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