Direct-to-video spin-offs

Especially in the 1990s when Doctor Who was off-air, several companies stepped up and produced unofficial straight-to-video dramas, many of which contained characters or monsters from the programme.


Direct-to-video spin-offs listed by range:

Auton trilogy
A trilogy of straight-to-video spinoff dramas produced in the late 90s, featuring classic Who villains the Autons.

P.R.O.B.E videos
A series of spin-off video dramas featuring former Doctor Who companion Liz Shaw and a Torchwood-esque agency called the “Preternatural Research Bureau”.

The Stranger videos
An early 1990s series of straight-to-video dramas starring Colin Baker as a mysterious Doctor-esque character known as “the Stranger”.

Miscellaneous direct-to-video spin-offs
Direct-to-video spin-offs which don't belong in any of the above ranges.

Video listed by category:

TV episodes
Video releases of broadcast episodes of Doctor Who, both classic and new series.

TV spin-offs
Video releases of the various broadcast spinoffs of Doctor Who, namely Torchwood, Class, K-9, The Sarah Jane Adventures, and the 1960s Daleks movies starring Peter Cushing.

Direct-to-video spin-offs
Especially in the 1990s when Doctor Who was off-air, several companies stepped up and produced unofficial straight-to-video dramas, many of which contained characters or monsters from the programme.

Video documentaries & interviews
On-screen interviews with Doctor Who cast and crew, and behind-the-scenes documentaries about the making of the programme.

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Listing 3 editions:

(DVD)Mindgame Requiem
View more details for Mindgame Requiem
Range:Miscellaneous direct-to-video spin-offs
Released:December 2025 (Date unconfirmed)
Starring:Sophie Aldred, Miles Richardson, Sophie Aldred & Miles Richardson

View more details for Anomaly
Range:Miscellaneous direct-to-video spin-offs
Released:December 2026 (Date unconfirmed)
Starring:Sophie Aldred, Tom Chapman, Beverley Cressman & Miles Richardson
View more details for Anomaly
Range:Miscellaneous direct-to-video spin-offs
Released:December 2026 (Date unconfirmed)
Starring:Sophie Aldred, Tom Chapman, Beverley Cressman & Miles Richardson

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